jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Ketamine effects

Today, we're going to explain the effects of ketamine.
The ketamine is an anesthetic which is use in all the world in vets and hospitals.
It's a strong hallucinogen who can cause you a lot of effects like :

- Anorexia.
- Vomit.
- Dizzy.
- High pulse.
- Breath problems.
- Can cause the dead.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Top 5 worst drugs

In this video we can see the different effects of the drugs with a very big detail.
The video is short so you can see in a moment and think about the reasons because you shouldn't consume drugs.

Shrooms effects

Today we're going to talk about the effects of the shrooms. The shroom has got a lot of negative effects like :

- Fear feelings.
- Headache.
- Dizzy.
- Physical dicomfort.
- Mental disorder.
- Affects memory.
This types of drugs are very dangerous because it affects your brain. This is an example of a shrooms.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Cocaine effects

 Hello people,today we are going to talk about the effects of cocaine.

we are going to explaine the short-lived effects.

Cocaine causes a short-lived, intense high that is immediately followed by the opposite. intense depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug. People who use it often don’t eat or sleep properly

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

Heroin effects

Heroin can be injected, inhaled by snorting or sniffing, or smoked. When it enters the brain, heroin is converted back into morphine, which binds to molecules on cells known as opioid receptors.
When you consume heroin, you can't feel the pain but you will die soon.
You'll have vomits and later, the drug will affects your brain including coma and permanent brain damage. If you are an addicted when you're pregnant, your child may be born physically dependent on heroin and could suffer from neonatal abstinence syndrom.
Say NO to the consume of heroin.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Meth effects

Hi everybody !
This month we're going to talk about the different effects of the drugs in people.
Today is the turn of meth.
Meth is an addictive stimulating, it affects our system. People can do meth in their houses, in small labs.
People call meth crystal, ice, glass and crack, too.
This drugs can deteriorate you so much ! don't consume it, is very dangerous.
Here is an example.

Welcome to our blog!

Our names are Ezequiel, Andrés and Mar.
In this blog we're going to talk about the consequences of the consume of drugs, alcohol or derivates.
We will upload pictures, videos and we'll say a short description of all the types of drugs and alcohol.