jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

Before and after of famous people

Today, we're going to show you some photos about famous people who consume different types of drugs.

Is a very interesting video, always think in your health and don't consume drugs, is damaging.
Thanks for reading us and follow our advice.

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

The problems of alcohol

After the Christmas Holidays, a lot of people have been drinking alcohol, some of them don't know the effects of this substance.
The alcohol can cause you differents illness, for example :

Anemia:   Heavy drinking can cause it.

Cancer: Like esophagus cancer.

Cardiovascular disease: Heart attack or stroke.

Cirrhosis : Because alcohol is toxic to the liver cells.

Dementia : For example, memory loss.

Depression : Heavy drinking led to depression.

Seizures : Heavy drinkings can cause epilepsy.