jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

New Theme: sport!!

Football: FC Barcelona v Real Madrid
2/3/16 at 8:00h
Stadium: Camp Nou
Referee: Hernández Hernández

Zidane has wanted the ball since he arrived to the Real Madrid and also he wants the ball in the next match where the Real Madrid will play with the Barcelona. This match will be exciting because the Madrid and Barça will wanted to give a hit on the table. Zidane wants search the sport the opponent and Luis Enrique wants be different. He will want have the ball en his team.
All people are waiting this match with impacience.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016


Juan Cuadrado was the best football player yesterday in the Allianz Arena. He scored the second goal of the team of Massimiliano Allegri. This goal appeared the end of the match after the goal of Pogba but the bayern got back in. the firts goal for bayern was scored by  Lewandowski, the second was scored by Muller, the third goal was scored by Tiago and the quarter goal was scored by koman. The match finished with 4-2 and the Bayern proceed to the next phase. The Juventus of Turín played very good but It wasn't enought to win.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016


One gramme of cocaine means that four metres of forest are destroyed. The problem is that the drug trafficking invade property of people to sow the products. Also, the drug contributes in the climate change and some drugs contaminate the enviroment because the drug have needles and syringes.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016


The problems in the adolescence is asociated to economic problems, broken family...These are elements propitious and they have influence in the joung to begin to consume drugs. The drugs produce violence and this is considerated as a social illness. The drug is a principal cause of bad health. The drug cause fine acts and homicides